Tuesday, January 10, 2012

our fourth month!

our little love
i can't believe that the fourth month of your sweet life is here.
you seem to be growing so quickly... didn't i just post your 1 month photos?!
you have accomplished so much!
at your 4 month check up, you had grown quite a bit!
you weighed 12.5 lbs
and had grown to 23.5 inches!
you have moved up to size medium in cloth diapers.
i have to brag on chelle really quickly, she sewed all of your medium diapers.
so proud of her! 

our appointment went very well. the doctor said that we could try CEREAL!
you are still nursing very well. 5-6 times a day, every 2-3 hours.
you are officially sleeping through the night in your own crib.
naps aren't really your thing; we are doing good if you go down for over an hour.
without crying. (when you cry it makes mama so sad!) 
we're going to keep working on that.
i think i'm more ready for you to roll over than you are.
you're taking your sweet, precious time.
(it seems like you may take after your daddy in that area, you're both pretty laid back!)
i'm okay with that baby girl. whenever you are ready.
but you are very, very close.
speaking of your daddy... you are thrilled to see him every day. when he comes in the door, your face lights up.
it's darling.
you love to listen to us sing and whistle.
you love it when mama and daddy dance around and act like fools.
you also love the singing puppy that you got for Christmas from papa jim and gigi!
you are holding yourself up very nicely during tummy time.
you are also sitting up with the tiniest bit of support from mama or the bumbo.
maybe you'll be sitting before you roll over.

your big eyes are following everything now!
you watch your toys, the puppies, and even the tv when it is on (oops!)
you love a little snail toy that your aunt kk & uncle coach got you for Christmas.
you move it and look in the little mirror!
you also love anything that rattles or squeaks.
and i'm pretty sure you like to give kisses.
with your mouth wide open.
using your tongue.
you really like to kiss sophie the giraffe. it's so funny!
mama and daddy can't remember what our lives were like before you arrived. you are truly the sweetest little blessing from above.


  1. Awww, little Perry is adorable.. Growing so fast.. (they'll do that, I have 3! and before you know it, she will be turning ONE!!)

    You guys take care, and enjoy that precious little sweet baby girl :)

    BTW- Purple is SOO her color! ;)

  2. oh my heavens!
    perry you are even more adorable with every picture.
    love your purple, go wildcats!
    miss y'all so!

  3. Juls, she looks just like you in the last picture the way she is smiling! Love it!
