Sunday, January 8, 2012

perry's big girl bed

a few weeks ago, mr. b and i noticed that perry was falling asleep much earlier than when we were putting her to bed. she would fall asleep in my arms and wake at the smallest sounds. she was also outgrowing her bassinet.
we decided that she was ready to sleep in her nursery.
it was one of the saddest nights, i cried myself to sleep!
but our little girl is a champ.
i haven't mentioned this much, but perry has been sleeping through the night for quite sometime. once andrew and i were ready for bed, perry would go into her bassinet and sleep for 7-8 hours. perfection.
then, one night, (or rather, early one morning) she started waking herself up. she was throwing her arms out to the side of her bassinet and waking herself up! it was kinda cute but a little wearing at 5 am.
so we made the big decision and put her in her own bed one night.
and it worked like a charm.
it was like she was supposed to be there!

so our little precious one is sleeping soundly from 7:30 till 5:30 - 6.
most of the time. except for a few nights ago when she woke up at 3 and didn't want to go back to sleep. ;)
we're so proud!

we're also check this like crazy!

hope your weekend is richly blessed!

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