Tuesday, February 1, 2011

new found style

okay, i could be one of the last two people in the world to find this website, but do you guys know about furbish? a few months ago, lucy and i found it and unknowingly, ordered the same glasses:

i love lots of other items at furbish! like this spotted porcelain tray:
Spotted Porcelain Tray - Green

these sparkly earrings:
Palm Beach Earrings-Multi

and this lamp:
Black and White Striped Lamp

some spotted coasters:
Spot Coasters

a pretty little bowl for the sparkly earrings:
Whatnots Bowl

and this hong kong tray:
Hong Kong Garden Tray
mr. b's grandfather used to travel to hong kong and bring back all kinds of treasures (some of which we have around our house). this reminds me of him!

this bottle opener reminds me of my little brother:
Bicycle Chain Bottle Opener

anyway, it's a fun little shop and it's pretty reasonable. i can't believe i didn't know about it! i'm currently very obsessed.


  1. Julia I have so enjoyed your blog. You are so creative !!!! The house is absolutely precious, and ya'll have done an amazing job turning it into a cozy home. Hope all is well!

  2. i love furbish! have you seen her blog?? she has the best since of humor and a really fun aesthetic...i love that you and lucy both got those glasses...that's too funny.

  3. Ohhhh I'm so excited about this. Thank you for sharing!
